At AllayPay, we specialize in high-risk and high-volume merchants. But we’re also proud to service thousands of low-risk and card-present merchants across all industries, including hotels, restaurants, bars, retail stores, salons, electricians, lawyers, consultants, and much more!
We know how frustrating it is when you’re denied approval based on your industry. That’s why AllayPay’s strong network of acquiring banks and processors will help ensure you get approved no matter your business type.
AllayPay offers the largest variety of payment solutions on the market. From gateways, point-of-sale systems, modern terminals, mobile, and tap-on-glass options, we cater to all your payment needs. Our robust APIs and streamlined invoicing system simplify transactions, enhancing customer satisfaction.
Are you looking for reliable and secure payment processing? AllayPay offers tailored solutions for every type of business. Whether you’re running a restaurant, managing a retail store, providing healthcare services, or growing your e-commerce platform, we’ve got you covered. We specialize in high-risk industries such as adult entertainment, CBD, bail bonds, vape shops, and more. Choose AllayPay for secure, scalable, and industry-specific payment processing that helps your business thrive!
Get ready for hassle-free payments with the latest technology. Same-day approvals, competitive rates, and dedicated support, all without long-term contracts.